Gardening Help(정원일 돕기) An old man living alone in South Armagh, whose only son was in Long Kesh Prison, didn't have anyone to dig his garden for his potatoes. 남부 Armagh 지역에 홀로 살던 한 노인은, 외아들이 롱 케쉬 감옥에 있었는데, 감자를 키우기 위해 정원의 흙을 파헤칠 사람이 없었다. So he wrote to his son about his predicament. 그래서 그 노인은 자기가 처한 곤란한 처지를 아들에게 편지를 썼다. The son sent the reply, "For HEAVENS SAKE, don't dig the garden up, that's wh..